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The Parish of Thurleigh

Thurleigh stands on a 250ft high plateau, said to be the largest in England. The parish consists of about 3,400 acres of clay soil.

About 750 people live in the village in about 250 dwellings. The village is spread across 5 ends - Church End, Cross End, Scald End, Backnoe End and Park End - that cover an area of about 6 square miles.

Community life continues to thrive with regular events held at the Village Hall, the Church, the Playing Field Club


Your Thurleigh Business / Club / Association not listed?

If you run a business, club or association from the parish of Thurleigh it can be included on this site for free.

Please contact the webteam


Village Calendar:


Want a village event adding to the calender? Please -contact the webteam



New Villager Welcome Pack

Thurleigh Parish Council Logo


Whats New


Thurleigh Environmental Improvement Network - End of Year Report

Thurleigh War Dead (Updated)

2011 Census - Thurleigh outline data


Countryside picture

Village Hall

St Peter's Church

Thatched cottage

The Jackal



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